The NOTs Scholars Home Page (Scientology)
NOTs (New Era Dianetics for Operating Thetans) are part of theformerly secret "Advanced Technology" of Scientology, the New Age
religion founded in the 1950s by the creepy pulp fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.
Scope and Purpose

documents as both religious literature and historical texts. In particular, I
am interested in exploring the following issues:
- Scientology's view of the structure of the mind as expressed
in NOTs and its supporting materials, such as OT III and the Philadelphia
Doctorate Course. Are there similarities between the body thetan
interactions described in NOTs and the Society of Mind theory proposed by artificial intelligence
pioneer Marvin Minsky of MIT? - The spiritual phenomena and processes described in NOTs, and
their equivalents in other religions. How does belief in body thetans
compare with belief in demonic possession? In what ways does auditing out
BTs resemble exorcism? - Origins and history of the NOTs issues: who wrote them, who
revised them, and what earlier source materials were drawn upon in their
preparation? Although supposedly written by Hubbard himself, David Mayo is
said to be the real author of some NOTs issues. What was the extent of
Mayo's contribution? - The role of NOTs in the contemporary practice of the Scientology
religion. How are these documents understood and used by Hubbard's
followers today? Is NOTs being promoted as a cure for physical ailments?
This is currently being debated in
Religious Technology Center v H. Keith Henson.
Call for Contributions
Contributions to this web site are eagerly requested. Information,commentary, and criticism of any aspect of NOTs may be submitted to Dave Touretzky. The appearance of any
essay on this site is not an endorsement of the views expressed therein.
It reflects only my editorial judgement that the material is relevant to
fostering scholarly discussion.
Anonymous contributions are welcome. However, materials that clearly
violate US copyright law will not be accepted. Of course, quotations are
often allowable under the "fair use" provision of the copyright code.
Potential contributors should note that since I am not a lawyer, I cannot
advise them on what they should or should not say here.
Given that the NOTs documents have been published on the Internet, both by
posting to Usenet (including multiple news servers here in Pennsylvania)
and by archiving on web sites at Alta Vista and Deja News, it is my
understanding that public discussion of these materials is not a violation
of Pennsylvania trade secret law. Readers in other jurisdictions may wish
to consult local laws before downloading material from this site.
Church of Scientology Recognizes NOTs Scholars Page
was sent to
Dave Touretzky by Roger
M. Milgrim, noted intellectual property attorney at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker.
Prerequisites for Beginning NOTs Scholars
Readers new to the study of Hubbard's thought will find the following starting points essential:- David Carter's essay on the basics of the Scientology belief system.
- Summary of OT III by Karin Spaink. Covers Xenu, the volcanos, the origin of body thetans, and the first level of confidential auditing procedures used to remove them.
- OT III Scholarship Page: see the Xenu story in Hubbard's own handwriting.
- Secrets of the E-Meter explains how an E-meter works and how it is used in auditing.
- Perry Scott gives a humorous overview of how NOTs auditing differs from OT III.
The Origin of NOTs
- Excerpt from Bare-Faced Messiah by Russell Miller. David Mayo is called in to audit a sick L. Ron Hubbard.
- Excerpt from Messiah or Madman by Bent Corydon. Hubbard introduces the concept of "body thetans" in 1978.
- Excerpts from A Piece of Blue Sky by Jon Atack. Mayo looks for "misconceptions" in Hubbard's auditing folders. Hubbard later shifts the emphasis to body thetans.
- Excerpt from a 1996 letter from David Mayo describing the origin of NOTs.
- Page 3 of NOTs 34, masked, as filed with the copyright office. Notice at the bottom of the page, the initials after "LRH" are blacked out. This was done for all 55 NOTs issues. In the Vorlon pack this line reads "LRH:dm:kjm". The "dm" stands for David Mayo.
Provenance and Structure of the Vorlon NOTs Pack
The Vorlon NOTs pack was first posted to alt.religion.scientology on May 6, 1996, through the anonymous remailer service at Hacktic.nl. It was reposted twice more within the week, via other hosts.
- Where did the Vorlon NOTs pack come from? An anonymous writer claims that several versions of NOTs were floating around outside of Scientology's control; that what appeared on the Internet as the Vorlon pack was originally the "Larry West" pack; and that for strategic reasons, RTC chose to ignore its circulation.
- The theft in Denmark by Robin Scott et al., described by Jon Atack in A Piece of Blue Sky.
- Decision in Religious Technology Center et al. v Scott et al. discusses the role of Mayo in developing NOTs, and contains some quotes that appear to authenticate the Vorlon pack. More info in Scientology and the Courts.
- Table of contents for the Vorlon NOTs pack.
- Notes on the structure of the Vorlon NOTs pack.
- NOTs on the Internet. Modemac has put together a concise history of NOTs on the Net.
- "Vorlon Jr." debuts at XS4ALL. On August 18, 1996,
announces that NOTs will reposted.
On August 19, posts
ned7, and two versions of the NOTs
Then confirms the reposting,
promising a key later. Posts some bogus keys, including
Babylon5 and
Morden. But Karin Spaink guesses the true
key: Xenu.
Finally, cancels his own postings
(a futile gesture) when it becomes clear his anonymity is not going to last long. - Zenon Pannousis posted NOTs twice from Sweden. His ongoing battle with the
the Church is chronicled at this
site in Sweden.The NOTs Dictionary
A dictionary of acronyms and technical terms found in NOTs.
Remember to never go past a misunderstood word!Demonic Possession in Scientology
- Major section: Reverend Dennis L. Erlich answers your
questions about demonic possession.
Additional questions are welcome. Post them to alt.religion.scientology with
"Demonic Possession in Scientology" in the header, and cc them to Dennis at inForm@primenet.com. - A 1924 discussion of
exorcism reveals some antecedents of Hubbard's ideas about auditing out
body thetans. Jack Parsons notes: exorcists always ask "What is your name?" In
Scientology, it's "Who are you?". -
Chapter 7 of The Hubbard is Bare, by Jeff Jacobsen, discusses
the gnostic roots of Scientology, with particular reference to infestation
by "demons": the body thetans audited out on OT III and NOTs. (Readers may
wish to skip the first section, on Aleister Crowley.) -
Hubbard and the Occult, an essay by Jon Atack. -
Catholic beliefs about exorcism compared to Scientology beliefs about auditing
out body thetans. By John Mark Ockerbloom. -
Possession by animal minds, not body
thetans, is the real cause of human aberration according to
ex-Scientologist (OT7) Michael Mourer. He agrees with Parsons that the key to
eliminating them is to ask them their names.
- Major section: Reverend Dennis L. Erlich answers your

Why Are There So Many Levels of NOTs?
OT III is where students first encounter Xenu and the body thetans(BTs). After completing OT III, the student thinks that they are rid
of all their BTs. They are in for a surprise when they move on to
NOTs, which consists of levels New OT IV through New OT VII:
- New OT IV is the NOTs Drug Rundown. The pre-OT learns that some
of his BTs were on drugs in their past lives, and so they more messed
up than ordinary BTs -- which is why they weren't found on OT III.
Identifying that they have a drug problem is the first step to getting
them to blow. - New OT V is Audited NOTs. One learns to deal with BTs that were
messed up for other reasons: they went clear or exterior in a past
life; they were PTS (connected to a Potential Trouble Source); they
were affected by incorrect prior auditing actions, etc. - New OT VI is Solo NOTs prep. The student is taught how to do
solo NOTs auditing, by holding the two E-meter cans in one hand and
operating the meter themselves. The cans are connected by a plastic
insert to keep them from touching, which would short circuit the path
of the current through the body. Students have already done solo
auditing on OT III, where they first encountered Xenu and the body
thetans, so this level of NOTs goes pretty quickly. - New OT VII is the Solo NOTs Auditors Course. This level can take
years. The pre-OT examines himself for BTs and clusters, expecting
most of them to blow by inspection. For those that don't, the various
NOTs auditing techniques are applied -- telepathically, of course.

The Practice of NOTs Auditing
- Tory Christman (Bezazian) on OT7:
what it's really like to do NOTs.And here
is Tory on A Day in the Life of One OT
statistics on completions as for February 1998.
Heidrun Beer /Traunstein-Frankfurt a.Main(of the Freezone) explaining the concepts of NOTs auditing. A body thetan
was attacked by a bear...
in which NOTs auditing is delivered, discussed by Joe Harrington.
auditing OT III and New OT V (the first released level of NOTs, which
actually came out before New OT IV).
anonymous ex-Scientologist, covers some of the basics of Scientology auditing,
and the doubts he came to have about the "the tech".
the special status of Clears and OTs. This is an excerpt from one section of
Scientology: To Be Perfectly Clear, an article by William Sims
Bainbridge and Rodney Stark.
an essay by "Entheta".
The same ``advanced spiritual technology'' used by the Church of Scientology, but
this is a freeware version. Also available in Word 6 format(search in the net).
Medical Claims in NOTs
"Medicine has long acknowledged that in order to scientifically test the efficacy of a
new medicine, for instance, it must be compared to the effects of a placebo
administered with equal solemnity, ritual and belief. This is because the solemnity
and ritual and belief can themselves heal."-- from an analysis of Dr. Drown's Homo-Vibra Ray,
another quack technology
Medical Claims Within Scientology's Secret Teachings, by
Jeff Jacobsen - How Scientology claims to cure physical illness, a note by Mike O'Connor,
who examines several of the NOTs documents. - See also The Henson Case: Keith Henson convicted of copyright infringement for publishing NOTs 34.
Analysis of NOTS 34 by Tilman Hausherr - The Healing Claims of Scientology,
chapter 19 of the Anderson Report (1965, Australia.) - Here is a summary of medical
claims in What Is Scientology? - Scientologists must get permission before
seeing a doctor.
Has NOTs Harmed Anyone?
A quote from this affidavit byJesse Prince, a former top-level Scientology official, indicates that
NOTs auditing was sometimes used as a substitute for medical care.
The infamous NOTs 34 (discussed below) deals with treatment of
physical ailments. The term "end cycle" means to cause or allow oneself
to die.
b) Ted Cormier, a personal friend of mine. He had Parkinson's disease. He
was ordered to leave Gilman Hotsprings and go directly to Flag for NOTS 34,
auditing to cure his cancer. When this failed, Ray Mithoff sent him orders
in his Pre-Clear folder for him to "end cycle." He died.
Summaries / Thumbnail Sketches of NOTs
... if it was defendants' intention to make the technology public, they
could do so without infringing plaintiffs' copyright by creating and
publishing a noninfringing description of the procedure.
-- United States District Judge Mariana R. Pfaelzer, in
Religious Technology Center et al. v Robin Scott et al., 1987.
- Thumbnail sketch
of NOTs 1-55, by Peik J Stromsholm (pjs@uwasa.fi).
Fake NOTs
Keith Henson constructeda fake NOTs 56 using the Travesty program
and some hand editing. (The real NOTs only goes up to 55.) Keith's
effort appears as authentic as any of the real NOTs issues, which has
led Scientology to claim it as a copyright violation.
Commentary on Individual NOTs Documents
Many of the people on alt.religion.scientology first became interested in
When Scientology attacked the Internet, it smacked a hornets' nest.
Now it gets to negotiate with each hornet individually.
-- A peeved netizen on alt.religion.scientology
Scientology as a result of the Internet war. Several have contributed
commentaries below. However, there is another group of people interested
in NOTs: the members of the FreeZone, who still practice Scientology but
are estranged from the Church. I am especially interested in receiving
FreeZone commentaries on the NOTs scripture.
Attention NOTs scholars: multiple commentaries on the same document are
welcome. There are many ways to analyze these writings.
- NOTs 1: NED for OTs RD, Theory Of
date: 15 September 1978.- <summary by Taneli Huuskonen
- commentary by Jeff Jacobsen
- commentary by The New Squirrel
not the poor Skunks - commentary by Keith Cochran
date: 15 September 1978.
- commentary by Dean Benjamin and Ralph Hilton
- message from Martin Ottman about changes to OT III
date: 26 September 1978.
- commentary by Dave Touretzky
date: 28 September 1978.
- summary and comments by Dave Touretzky
date: 26 September 1978. Issue IV.
- commentary on medical claims by Dave Touretzky
- commentary on medical claims by Mike O'Connor
date: 27 September 1978.
- reconstruction of NOTs 23
by Keith Henson, described by Dave Touretzky. - announcement of reconstruction
by Keith Henson
date: 26 September 1978.
- commentary by Mike O'Connor
date: 14 November 1978.
- Day 4 of the Henson trial, in which Keith explains NOTs 34, "The
Sequence for Handling a Physical Condition", is available at this
overseas web site, despite Scientology's efforts to have this
portion of the transcript sealed. Also available
here. -
Analysis by Tilman Hausherr (contains full text of NOTs 34)
Detailed analysis of NOTs34, with extensive quotation, by an anonymous NOTs scholar. - Analysis and commentary by Mike O'Connor
Keith Henson's letter to Judge Whyte concerning medical claims appearing in NOTs 34. - parody "BOTS 34" by "conner"
- commentary by David C. Smith
- commentary by "Lurker"
Bulletin date:: 22 September 1978.
NOTs 38: Basic Fear
date: 7 November 1978.
- summary and comments by Dave Touretzky
date: 10 February 1979.
by Keith Spurgeon
OT III and OT III Attest
date: 18 November 1981.
Is OT III obsolete? by anonymous.
Read the Actual NOTs Documents Yourself
- As of December 2005, a collection of "upper level files",
including NOTs, were avilable at the web site mentioned in this
posting from alt.religion.scientology.Sweden keeps the NOTs public.
News story from June, 1998 about a Swedish supreme court decision.
Unfortunately, the Swedish government later caved in to political
pressure from the US (spearheaded by Sonny Bono, who was Scientology's
pet congressman), and you can no longer order the NOTs from
the Swedish parliament. However, the documents may still be
available from other government agencies in Sweden. - Operation Clambake, maintained
by Andreas Heldal-Lund in Norway, contains a wealth of information
about Scientology. Andreas suggests this page
[search.freewinds.cx] for advice on how to obtain the NOTs by email.

Beyond NOTs
There is only one released level beyond NOTs. (Other levels are saidto exist but have not yet been released by Scientology.) This level
is New OT8, "Truth Revealed". The contents of New OT8 are not known
for certain; several wildly different versions have appeared on the
Internet, but none has been universally acknowledged as genuine. Here
is one such summary of OT8 with the
actual processes supposedly involved.
Anniversary Of Sheen's 9/11 Trailblazing Legacy
Chain reaction raises profile of truth
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones"infowars.com"
Prison Planet
March 2007

The latest
9/11 celebrity is Rosie O'Donnell, whom the media are normally
fascinated by if she breaks a toenail or says something about Donald
Trump, but have chosen to largely ignore in the case of her public
savaging of the official 9/11 story. The usual suspect Neo-Con websites
have churned out their ad hominem hit pieces, including World
Net Daily today, but there remains a relative media blackout in
comparison with the widespread
coverage garnered by Sheen a year ago.
Some have criticized a suggested inflated focus on celebrities being
the torch bearers for the 9/11 truth movement, but the fact is that
we can have a multitude of professors, physicists and experts on board
and still not reach any new people who wouldn't otherwise have stumbled
across this subject. The only way to stop preaching to the choir is
to enlist individuals that already have a large media platform and
are willing to use it to spark the interest of newcomers.
We live in a world where perception is reality and what people see
on television, movies and popular culture becomes the accepted norm.
The garbage that is ceaselessly pumped out by the architects of the
zeitgeist is the primary reason why Americans and westerners in general
are more dumb, fat, lazy and brainwashed than at any time in human
We need to seize the levers of this cultural monolith and use it
to educate people or at least encourage them to think for themselves.
Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell and others have acted as the canary
in the coal mine for this process and we fully anticipate a number
of other worldwide famous artists, musicians, writers and performers
to follow suit.
Who will be the next 9/11 superhero? Only time will tell but one
thing is for certain - none of the great strides made by the 9/11
truth movement over the last 12 months could have been made without
the completely altruistic and awe-inspiring bravery displayed by Charlie
Sheen one year ago today by risking his livelihood and reputation
in the name of 9/11 truth.