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Saturday, 17. March 2007
God is requiring us to warn readers about some alternative media radio broadcasters who purport to be against the New World Order and yet choose to promote New Age teachers and organizations and profit from the sale of New Age subtle energy products

Alternative Media Broadcasters and Spiritual Compromise

Alternative Media
Broadcasters and Spiritual Compromise

God has impressed upon us that we
are to warn readers about some alternative media radio
broadcasters who claim to be against the satanic New World Order
system and yet choose to
promote New Age teachers and organizations and profit from the
sale of New Age subtle energy products. Because the New Age
Movement is the religious arm of the New World Order, this
compromise will have spiritually disastrous results if
Christians follow their lead.

Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio

has been selling Miracle II products for years and
continues to do so. He has promoted

Zeph Daniel
on his radio program and is selling his
book, Lamb.
[Notice that Zeph chose to use a runic font on the cover of his
book. Zeph used runes on his

as well.] Dr. Monteith interviewed Zeph Daniel 
on January 1, 2005 and on December 6, 2005. Dr. Monteith, who
surely knows the dangers of

New Age/Christian syncretism,
encouraged his listeners to
explore Zeph Daniel's writings and audio teachings on his

Dr. Stan Monteith has also been
promoting fellow Miracle II seller, Joyce Riley, on his radio
broadcast since 1996.

Dr. Monteith is not only soft on
Catholicism, he defends it as being true Christianity! Rather
than warn Catholics that their false doctrines will cost them
their souls, he  reassures Catholics in their deception by
spouting the One World Church line:

Bigots will tell you that
Catholics are not really Christians because some of their
beliefs differ from ours. I personally believe that the
essence of Christianity is a belief in the Divinity, death,
and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that is a common tenet
of both Protestants and Catholics.


New World Order planners are fond
of maligning those who stand firm on the doctrines of the true
Christian faith as taught in the Holy Bible. Ecumenists,
on the other hand, further the NWO agenda by vilifying those who
stand firm on the truth.

Joyce Riley and Dave Von Kleist
of the Power Hour
got in at the ground level selling Miracle
II subtle energy products on the internet, and have not stopped
this lucrative endeavor even after the

Miracle II

was published.

The Power Hour promoted

Clayton Tedeton
on their radio broadcast as recently as
October 17, 2005:

CLAYTON of MIRACLE2 Products will detail the various
uses for the MIRACLE2 Soap, Neutralizer, Gel and Lotion and
will take your calls!  Miracle2 Order Line is 1-877-817-9829
or http://www.ThePowerMall.com ; (NOTE: You may
order the SPECIALS (25% off) on all Miracle II
products at ThePowerMall.com. We will hand discount all the
online orders and you will receive the corrected invoice
upon delivery! (Special ENDS Friday Oct. 21 till 4PM CST)!

Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleist
chose to promote Stewart Best and his website on their radio
broadcast even after I personally phoned Dave Von Kleist in
March, 2003 to warn him about Best's New Age

occult initiation doctrines
. The Power Hour promoted Best on
their program in 2003
and 2004.

The Pour Hour's Guest and
Program director, Marie Gunther
, through the Heavenscentoils.net link on the main page of the Power Hour
website, is encouraging website visitors (many of whom are
Christians) to buy products made by the New Age multi-level-marketing company, Young Living. She also signs up
Power Hour website visitors to sell under her

in this occult multi-level-marketing company. Young Living, a company
that sells essential oils, marks themselves for the New Age by
placing an image of a

Phoenix bird
in their brochure and by using occult/New Age
terminology in some

product descriptions.

The Power Hour displays this slogan
on their main page:

An informed
citizen is freedom's best friend and a controlled citizen is
our worst enemy!

This is a slogan that no real
Christian will endorse or support. A controlled American citizen
is not our enemy! A "controlled" American citizen (one who does
not question the mainstream media) is a person to be prayed for
and warned regarding the unfolding world government agenda as
the opportunity presents itself. Granted, one should exercise
discernment when interacting with a person whose thinking is
largely molded by the mainstream media, but to consider fellow
citizens our ENEMIES simply because they are uninformed about
the things that are going on behind the scenes that are
impacting our lives is wrong. The government's goal is to turn
citizens against each other (in order to make a martial law
takeover much easier) and The Power Hour should not aid them in
this endeavor by using this slogan.

Speaking of control, The Power
Hour's promotion of Clayton Tedeton and his demonically
energized Miracle II products is priming many people of the
United States (including Christians) to receive what New Agers
refer to as  "the Divine Consciousness" which is necessary to
spiritually merge with the Age of Aquarius (the

New World Order).

Every person who uses the Miracle
II/Master's Miracle and other subtle energy products is

moving closer
to becoming a fit subject of Satan's New World
Order government and farther away from being a fit (obedient)
servant of the the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Power Hour Promotes
Scientology Solution for Child Protection Racket

Alex Jones of inforwars.com and

promotes individuals
who are affiliated with Scientology, a

New World Order organization
. There is no reason good enough
for Alex Jones, who claims to be a Christian, or any person 
opposed to the New World Order to promote Dr. John Breeding, who
is connected with Scientology and has the teutonic rune of death
in the background of his photograph on his website.
Also see:

Prisonplanet.com Plugs Tom Cruise
Communications Network is an ABC affiliate
Jones and RSICC

James Lloyd of Christian
Media promotes

Stewart Best
and his dangerous New Age

Darklight false gospel
by hosting Best's weekly radio
broadcast on his radio network and selling some of his products,
one of which is an interview that he conducted with Stewart
Best. James Lloyd broadcasts Stewart's program and
endorses Stewart's

narrow way
doctrines. [Zeph Daniel, who believes that
is attained within
" also promotes Stewart Best on the
radio. His most recent interview

with Stewart was on October 9, 2005.]

Texe Marrs of Power of Prophecy

links to the websites of at least two individuals who are
selling demonically energized Miracle II products: Stan Monteith of
Radio Liberty and Clay Douglas of the Free American.

While Texemarrs.com has a general
links disclaimer, his links to websites that sell Miracle II
need to be warned against as well as allegedly Christian
sites that promote individuals who are helping to further the
New Age/NWO agenda. For example, Prophecy Central associates with Lambert Dolphin, who is a New Age-Christian syncretist.
Texe even links to sites with unclean words and pictures on
them. See:

Liberty To The
Captives Podcast--
Marrs: Warning About Uncleanness


Zeph Daniel
interviewed Texe
Marrs on May 2nd and May 4th 2006

and Sept. 9, 2006.
Texe Marrs'
interviews with Zeph
suggest that he (along with Dr. Stan Monteith and
others) is not opposed to Zeph Daniels' fusion of Christian and New Age
belief systems. Also see:
Challenge to Texe

Clay Douglas,

who is also a
radio broadcaster, advertises the Miracle II products on
his freeamerican.com website, his azthunderriders.com site, and
his Thunder Riders magazine which he claims is the "most read
magazine in the state of Arizona." How many souls are being
subverted from the right way of the Lord because Texe Marrs promotes a
man who sells products that contain
"eloptic [subtle] energy beyond measure." Texe Marrs
has studied the New Age movement long enough to know that cursed
products will spiritually harm people, including Christians!

Greg Szymanski
of Arctic Beacon has at this writing (02/14/07) a banner ad on
his main page that sends his website visitors to an occult
website. The name of this banner ad is Tri-Vortex Technology
Subtle Energy Products. (Subtle Energy--which is from the
Serpent who is subtle--has many names: chi, orgone, reiki, body
energy, kundalini and

many more.
) Psychic power (subtle energy) is acquired by
those who knowingly or unknowingly open themselves to
evil spirits. The Tri-Vortex Technology website sells subtle
energy products, including amulets.

Frank Steffan
of The American Voice chose the following slogan for his

"Only if you want the truth." 

The New Age movement is not
truth. The "Health-Science-Spirit" link, which has been on The
American Voice Links page since at least 2005, is to a site that
strongly promotes occult/New Age dogma and demonic healing. The occult methodologies
and philosophies endorsed on the Health-Science-Spirit site are
spiritually destructive to the Christian, but most productive
for the New Age, New World Order agenda.

After recommending this site to his
visitors Francis Steffan merely mentions that this site (which
promotes the religion of the New World Order) is "not christian":


This site
contains a wide range of articles, essays and books that are
useful to overcome specific diseases and improve health
through natural and holistic methods (not christian).

The Health-Science-Spirit website
contains links to topics that are obviously demonic in nature
such as: Acupressure & Meridian Therapy, Bio-Energies, Channeled
Energy Devices, Energy-Healing, Healing with Sex, Homeopathy,
Magnet Therapy, The Spiritual Dimension, The Spiritual Path and
many more. The url to the Health-Science-Spirit website is
provided for documentation only.


Butch Paugh of

has chosen to promote Joyce Riley, Dave
Von Kleist and Dr. William Deagle on his radio broadcast and
website. These individuals also participated in the making of
his DVD called "Exposing the Beast."

We warn against radio broadcaster

Dr. William Deagle's

because of the content and because he yokes with those who are
causing the spiritual downfall of Christians. God's secret is
with the righteous, not with compromisers:

For the froward is abomination
to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous. Proverbs

Dr. Deagle has no qualms about
being involved with Riley and VonKleist, who promote New Age
companies and profit from the sale of their 'energized'
products. (Yes, I did send Butch Paugh's sweet wife all the
Miracle II articles so they are aware of the occult markings on
the product line that Joyce Riley and Dave VonKleist sell.)

Please pray that those who still
have ears to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit will repent
before it is too late.

Because these radio broadcasters have such
a great influence on Christians who are concerned about the
unfolding New World Order, it is imperative that their listeners
be aware of their New Age/occultic connections as well as other
forms of compromise.

Links are provided for documentation

(1) http://www.radioliberty.com/bl.html (2) http://www.zephnet.com/?select=guests&guest_id=1
(3) Radio Liberty October 1999
newsletter http://www.radioliberty.com/nloct99.htm

(4) http://www.thepowerhour.com/past_shows.htm
(5) http://www.thepowerhour.com/past_shows/2003_past_show.htm
(6) http://www.thepowerhour.com/past_shows/2003_past_show.htm (7) http://www.heavenscentoils.net/Order_Now_1.htm (8) http://www.wildestcolts.com/john/john.html (9) http://www.zephreport.com/?select=guests&guest_id=11
(10) http://www.zephnet.com/?select=guests&guest_id=89
(12) http://www.americaslastdays.com/deagle.htm

Gary and Lisa Ruby
Liberty To The Captives
Nov. 24, 2005

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