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Monday, 12. March 2007
What is going on!?The Church of Rich!

THE "Scientific"THAT WAS Rom/UN ...


to go back for sin and make it better!?

Since 1991 and after all We have learned in the years since then it was fascinating to see the symbolism and feel the energy of this Rosicrucians _humanfriendly_Illuminati stronghold.

The old Tony Bennett song talks about the 'glory' that was Rome being of another day, but if you take 'glory' to be 'power' that is far from the truth. Rome has been a global power centre for thousands of years and remains so today.

By that, of course, nobody don't mean the Italian government, but the secret society network that came out of ancient Sumer and Babylon, in what we now call Iraq, and relocated to the seven hills that became the headquarters of the vast Roman Empire and the 'Christian' Church.

The 'Pagan' religion of Babylon and the ancient world moved to Rome to be renamed 'Christianity'. In Babylon, they worshipped the trinity of Nimrod, the father god, symbolised as a fish; Tammuz, the son who was said to be a reincarnation of Nimrod, so 'father and son were one'; and Queen Semiramis or Ishtar, the virgin mother who was symbolised as a dove.

When the Illuminati relocated to Rome and gave 'Christianity' to the world via Emperor Constantine in the fourth century, the Babylonian trinity continued as the 'Christian' Father (Nimrod), Son (Tammuz) and Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, which, like Semiramis, is symbolised as a dove.

All the attributes that the Babylonians gave to Semiramis - 'Virgin Mother', 'Queen of Heaven', 'Our Lady' (which translates as Madonna and Notre Dame) were transferred by the 'Christian' creators to Mother Mary.

So 'Mother Mary' and 'Jesus' in this Nativity scene in St Peter's Square in Rome this week is really Queen Semiramis and Tammuz from Babylon and indeed throughout the pre-Christian world under many and various names:

Looking down on the Nativity scene in St Peter's Square are an original Egyptian obelisk and the Babylonian-inspired Christmas tree. Emperor Caligula transported the obelisk from Egypt in the first century and erected it in the Caligula Circus (later the 'Nero Circus' or the brilliantly appropriate 'Vatican Circus') and it was moved to its present site in 1586.

The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god Baal or Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. It is for this reason that the obelisk also represents the unholy bloodlines.

It is no accident that the major  cities of Rome, London, Paris and New York all have original Egyptian obelisks, or that Washington DC has the biggest obelisk in the world, the Freemasonic Washington Monument.

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz became known under countless names throughout the world and unravelling the story is much simpler once you realise that all the different names are actually the same deities. Among the aliases of Semiramis, for example, are Aphrodite, Venus, Artemis, Diana, Athena, Minerva, Demeter, Ceres, Gaea, Terra, Hera, Juno, Hestia, Vesta, Cybele, Fortuna, and Rhea or Ops, the wife and sister of the Greek horned-god Kronos (Nimrod)8also Star Trek).

Christmas was the Babylonian - 'pagan' - mid-winter festival and commemorated the death of Nimrod/Tammuz who represented the sun which 'died' at the winter solstice when it reached the lowest point of its power in the northern hemisphere. Three days later, on what became our December 25th, they celebrated the 'birth' of the sun (Nimrod/Tammuz), hence that was the 'birthday' given to 'Jesus', another sun symbol.Today the star of the east"LUCIFER".

This is why in St Peter's Basilica in Rome they have placed 'St Peter's Chair' under a massive depiction of the sun (Nimrod/Tammuz) and in the centre is the dove (Semiramis). The inner elite of the church know what all this symbolism really means, but the rest are told to believe the fairytale or they will go to hell..." for the wrong jesus". St Peter's Basilica is built in an east-west direction in accordance with the movement of the sun across the earth. Below is the inside of the Dome of St Peter's - another sunburst associated with ancient sun worship.Look and read this information in other forms in our bible,talmud or Quran.

The circle of St Peter's Square, with its eight rays, represents the goddess, Semiramis or Ishtar, and the obelisk in the centre is Nimrod. Everywhere you look around the Vatican City you see Babylonian symbolism of goddess and sun god worship. Interestingly, students at theological college are called seminarians, which comes from the Latin 'seminarium' or 'seed-bed'. Semiramis was known in similar terms as the mother, or 'seed-bed', of the gods. The word seminary is also used in reference to Jewish and Muslim religious centres of higher 'education' and the Mormons,Scientology, too.

The main man behind the global emergence of Christianity was Emperor Constantine who made it the state religion of Rome and oversaw the Council of Nicaea in 325AD that decided what Christians should believe to this day. The doctrine is still called the Nicene Creed. Constantine worshipped a deity called Sol Invictus - the Unconquered or Invincible Sun - so the 'new' Christianity was all very familiar to him. ...For a big money order under free will in a new ÄON(Thelema-sect).

But not free while chipping and control by sniper.

Constantine converted Rome's pagan Pantheon ('Temple to all the gods') into a Christian church and changed the names of its statues of gods, demigods and goddesses to those of 'Christian' saints. One statue of Jupiter (Nimrod) apparently became 'St Peter' and certainly the fast and feast days of the Babylonian gods became 'Saints' Days. Note, by the way, the sun wheel over the head of old 'Pete' in this Vatican statue - the real meaning of the halo.

So the 'Christian' holy days and festivals are the same as those in Babylon. Semiramis under her name Ishtar (pronounced Eastar or Ester) gave us Easter and the Easter egg comes from the fact that she claimed to have come to the earth from the moon in an egg; Lent originates from the Babylonian period of 40 days to commemorate Tammuz and the Easter ham comes from the myth that Nimrod/Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.

In Babylon, the pine tree, or Christmas tree, represented Nimrod. A log - the 'Yule Log' - was thrown on the fire to symbolise his death and, on what became our Christmas Day, his resurrection was symbolised as a tree with decorations and presents. In the Old Testament, we are told in Jeremiah 10: 3:

'For the customs of the people are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman 4; They deck it with silver and with gold, they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not.'

In the major courtyard of the 'Christian' Vatican we therefore have the biggest sculpture of a pine cone anywhere in the world.

It is an ancient representation of  Nimrod and behind it is the Vatican seal with the two cross keys, 'St Peter's Keys to Heaven' that are actually the keys to the pagan mysteries said to have been held by the god Janus (Nimrod) and the goddess Cybele (Semiramis)/3 plus 4=7 in an animation hurricane.

Babylon gave its trinity to Egypt and so we have Osiris-Horus-Isis, the Egyptian father, virgin-born son and mother. Above is an Egyptian symbol of Osiris (Nimrod) in the form of a pine cone.

And here is the Greek version of Nimrod/Tammuz, known as Dionysus, carrying the pine cone staff ...

... just like the popes do still to this day.

The mitre headgear of the Pope and the big-wigs of the Christian Church are the fish-head symbols of Nimrod, who was also known as Dagon, the fish god.

Nimrod or Dagon, the fish god of Babylon with a magic stick, and the mitre worn by the popes

The key 'Christian' symbol of the cross, you won't be surprised to know by now, is not 'Christian' at all. It was the symbol of Nimrod/Tammuz and was widely used throughout the world thousands of years before the mythical 'birth of Christ'.

The Babylon connection is not confined only to the Roman Church and Christianity in general. The poeple by money order has created and manipulated many religions to confuse and control the people. Semiramis, which means 'branch bearer', evolved from an earlier Indian deity, Sami-Rama-isi or Semi-Ramas. The texts of the Jewish religion were put together after the Jewish captivity in ... Babylon. Judaism, of course, has enormous connections with Christianity, and Islam also has fundamental links to both of them with its belief in Jesus and Abraham, among many other things.

(But you must know these poeples make a sin but after they make good things.While you forget the big money order and corruptions .A Higher for good .Read the bible,may be.)

Below is an ancient depiction of the sun god, Shamash, and the moon-goddess, Nanna, from the land of Ur (Sumer/Babylon/Iraq) from around 2000 BC. Alongside is the international symbol of Islam.

The  bloodlines that came out of Babylon,Mongolia and Sumer, relocated to Rome and then expanded worldwide through the European colonial empires and the new World USA for a New World Order, have employed their symbolism of one site throughout our societies and not just with religion. Note the pyramid and eye symbol at the top of this 'religious' art in the Vatican ...

... and then look at the pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill ...the other site

This is an ancient symbol of the Illuminati and can be found on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which was created by Freemasons who knew what it all meant. The Illuminati are obsessed with their history and symbolism and it is placed all around us under cover stories like the Statue of Liberty.

On the left here is an ancient depiction of Queen Semiramis, note she is holding a cross, and alongside is the Statue of Liberty holding the lighted torch, a symbol of Nimrod. The statue was given to New York by French Freemasons in Paris who knew exactly what it really portrayed - and it is anything but liberty. There is another Statue of Liberty, another Semiramis, in Paris on an island in the River Seine.

Washington D.C was built as the new Rome. The land on which it stands was known as the 'New Troy', another significant chapter in Illuminati history, and one 400-acre section was even known as Rome, appropriately. Its symbolic centre is Capitol Hill, not Capital Hill, but Capitol. This comes from Capitoline Hill, the highest of the seven hills of Rome.

This picture is Capitoline or Capitol Hill in Rome today. It was here that a Temple once stood to the 'Capitoline Triad', including Jupiter or Nimrod. The name comes from the Latin word 'caput', which means 'human skull'. A skull was found on the hill when the foundations of the Temple were being dug and so came the name 'Capitoline' or 'Human Skull' Hill and the use today of the word 'caput' to mean 'finished' or 'dead'.A Symbol in all orders for money.

You can see the inspirational and symbolic progression through the ages as the Illuminati bloodlines have expanded their influence and power ...

... This is the ancient Roman Pantheon, the Temple of all the gods ...

... which inspired St Peter's and the Vatican as the religion of Babylon and Rome became the religion of Christianity ...

... and when the Illuminati bloodlines built their new Rome, new Babylon, in Washington DC, the architectural style was the same as ever.

Washington is awash with esoteric and Babylonian/Roman symbolism in its street plan and architecture, as are so many major cities. These are among the endless clues that lie in wait for the vociferous researcher who seeks to chart the history of human control.

A trip to Rome ,  to such research, was like reading an open book and the trail gets clearer by the day. You cannot understand the world and events today without an appreciation of where today's controllers have come from and the long-time goal they have been working towards.The coin has always two sites.

But the symbolism is only part of the story and look at the secret societies connected to Rome that are so fundamental to the unfolding, and manufactured, 'drama' that is sold to us as 'life'.


The UnFunny Truth About Scientology


The church of Scientology was formed by the journalist and science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986). Hubbard was very interested in the occult and, like Rudolf Steiner, the former of Anthroposophy, and like the famous Satanist Aleister Crowley, he had been involved in O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis) a subgroup of the Rosicrucian order. Actually Hubbard practiced many rituals with Clowleys acolyte Jack Parson, from whom he cheated all of his money and his wife! Hubbard also expressed his admiration for Crowley in many lectures and articles.






His first step in creating Scientology was the publishing of Dianectics in 1950. It combined psychoanalysis with more obscure pseudo-sciences, thought of all diseases as psychosomatic (i.e. caused by the mind), and got great response from Hubbards science fiction readers. By following the method of dianectics, you would drastically raise your IQ, become unsusceptible to diseases, and get photographical memory!

Hubbard soon mixed more and more occult ideas into Dianectics and the religion of Scientology arose. In the religion you go through dianectics courses to reach higher grades (8 main grades, totally 27 if you count the sub-groups), and every course costs a lot of money. Those who wish to reach the highest grades have to pay up to a total of half a million Swedish kronor (about $60-70 000). Interestingly enough, Hubbard had told some of his friends a few years earlier that creating a religion would be the best way to make a fortune.

Pseudo-scientific beliefs


According to Hubbard he wrote his books through automatic writing (dictated by his Empress). One book took only three weeks to write with a typewriter with special keys for words such as and, for and but. Pharmaceutics are bad, and only dump toxic waste in the body. It seems quite ambiguous that Hubbard nevertheless advocated the usage of drugs such as amphetamine! Dianectic auditioning can cure all diseases such as rheumatism, allergia, asthma and ulcer.

Hubbard believed in reincarnation (though he used Crowleys term passed lives) and spirits. The scientological cosmology tells us about the latest 60 Billion years of the history of the universe. Heaven is located at a high mountain on another planet. Hubbard claimed to have been there several times, the first one 34691832611177 years, 344 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 40 seconds ago. He also tried to find treasures that he had buried in his former lives, but they must have been too rigorously hidden, for he found nothing. Several of Hubbards followers thought they were re-incarnations of Jesus Christ, and Hubbard himself claimed to have been D.H. Lawrence. How that is possible I do not know, since Lawrence died 19 years after Hubbard was born!

Add that the secret text Operating Thetan talks about highly developed alien colonies in space and you have a complete mumbo-jumbo pseudoscientific authoritative cult. It is no wonder why many scientologists have had nervous breakdowns!

Scientology, copyright and free speech

The story of Scientology vs. free speech began in 1995(?) when a former scientologist, Steve Fishman, used the secret texts Operating Thetan and The Road to Xenu of Scientology as evidence in a court of law in the United States, and published them on FACTNet on the Internet. The church managed to have the texts withdrawn, by claiming that they were copyrighted.

In the spring of 1996 a Dutch journalist mirrored the Fishman papers (on the Xs4All server), so people would know what scientology stands for and not be ignorantly fooled into the sect. Soon he got sued by the sect for violating copyright laws. But information wants to be free, and before the Scientologists could stop it, Internet users all over the world had copied the texts and put them on their own sites. Due to the, sometimes inflammatory, contents of the papers, the church would not acknowledge all of it, and hence they lost the case in Holland.

In Sweden, one of those persons was Zenon Panoussis. The Scientologists at once attacked, not Mr. Panoussis personally, but threatened his Internet providers to make them close down the site, which they did. A couple of days later one of the providers, Tele2, restored the page. According to their press secretary Tele2 will not close down the page until (and if) there is a sentence of guilty. Later Panoussis issued a little booklet with the Fishman papers.

The sect convinced the district court to break into Panoussis home and confiscate the information he had about Scientology in order to prevent further spreading of the material. This included the hard disk of his computer -- that must have hurt!

What did Mr. Panoussis do? Revenge is sweet! He turned in everything he had as evidence to the district court, whereby they became public acts which anyone can read if they want. Just go to the district court in Stockholm and request the information. The act has number T 7-866-96. There is one problem, though -- day and night there is a scientologist sitting there reading the file, so you will have problems getting to the information.

Some famous Scientologists

Charles Manson was a scientologist before he became crazy and formed the (in-)famous Manson Family. In a letter to the church Manson told them that he had reached the highest Thetan, clear, and did no longer need the services of the church.

The scientologists are on a mission in Hollywood, to attract celebrities. The reason is obviously that a star on their side is good PR. Lisa-Marie Presley is a scientologist and some people say that the marriage between her and Michael Jackson was an attempt to catch him in the sect. Some people who have been caught by the cult are John Travolta and Tom Cruise. On Fact/n report you can find more information on this.

, 1996

Scientology and the Vatican

Members of the Churches of Scientology Joined Largest-ever Religious Delegation Granted Audience by the Pope

Members of Churches of Scientology were among leaders of different faiths who joined the largest group of rabbis and other Jewish delegates to be granted audience by the Pope.

The delegation was organized by Mr. Gary Krupp, founder of the Pave the Way Foundation, a multi-faith alliance that strives to improve conditions on this planet by bettering relationships between the world’s major religions. Mr. Krupp, who is Jewish, is a Knight Commander in the Order of St. Gregory the Great, a status awarded him by the Pope for his substantial contributions to the people of Italy.

The 130-strong delegation to give support to Pave the Way Foundation’s efforts to bring about interfaith understanding and to acknowledge the Pope for his personal commitment to respecting the rights of all religions, in this particular case Judaism.

Pave the Way Foundation is also enhancing relationships between the world’s faiths by bringing about an exchange of religious treasures between Christianity and Judaism. The Foundation’s literature states, “If the government of Israel were to announce that to show appreciation for efforts towards the Jewish people and the State of Israel by Pope John Paul II, it will return, to the Christian world after 453 years, the Cenacle Shrine of the Upper room (the site of the last supper and third most important shrine in Christianity), the international image of Israel and its relationship with 2.3 billion Christians will have an enormous worldwide impact…. If the Vatican were to announce that… it is returning to the Jewish people, in the care of the State of Israel, the manuscripts of [12th century rabbi, physician and philosopher] Maimonides, again, this would gain world attention and further cement relations.”

During the January 18th reception, Mr. Krupp thanked Pope John Paul II for having “defended the Jewish people at every opportunity, as a priest in Poland and in your pontificate.” The Pope responded, “May this be an occasion for renewed commitment to increased understanding and cooperation in the service of building a world ever more firmly based on respect for the divine image in every human being.”

Scientologists have embraced the concept of religious tolerance since the dawn of the religion, as expressed in the Creed of the Church of Scientology of 1954, written by founder L. Ron Hubbard: “That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments.”

Alex Jones' Prisonplanet.com is presenting Tom Cruise, a celebrity spokesman for Scientology, as being an opponent of the Brave New World.


The Creeping Fascism of Global Warming Hysteria

The hoax of the doctrine of man-made global warming that is being foisted upon the world by decree, and the junk science that is manipulated to support it, represents a creeping fascism whose agenda to stifle open debate betrays the fact that climate change hysteria is a farce intended to crush freedoms and further centralize global power.

Also behind this big Science with the Vatican is the Scientologist"Dr.C.van Driel-Murray(IPP)"in the Vatican. The Mainplace is France/Paris. Dr.C.van Driel-Murray Nieuwe Prisengracht 130 1018VZ Amsterdam/NL c.v.driel@frw.uva.nl personal flag and arms of benedict XVI Vatican Observatory Pontifical Greogorian University"Islamophobia" Satellite technique Hologram Nanotechnology Fundamentalistic Theologican both Sides

... link

Tuesday, 2. January 2007
Geheime Macht!!!



Vor über 50 Jahren formierte sich heimlich eine machtvolle Gruppe, um die Geschicke dieses Planeten in die Hand zu nehmen und die Welt im Interesse der Superreichen zu lenken.
Heute sind die «Bilderberger» mächtiger denn je. Dennoch werden ihre Geheimkonferenzen kaum thematisiert - mit Absicht!
Es geschah Mitte 2002. Damals war ein höchst seltsamer, weil radikaler Wandel in der allgemeinen Medienberichterstattung festzustellen. Bis dahin galt der Name Osama bin Laden geradezu als ein neues Synonym für Satan.

Seit den Attacken auf World Trade Center und Pentagon beherrschte die Jagd auf ihn den
gesamten Globus.
Und plötzlich - nach einem monatelangen Schlagzeilen-Bombardement - wurde kein Sterbenswörtchen mehr über Bin Laden verloren. Warum eigentlich?
Leicht irritiert registrierte der eine oder andere Nachrichtenkonsument, wie schlagartig nur noch von Saddam Hussein die Rede war. Alles konzentrierte sich jetzt auf den Irak, auf neuerliche Angriffe, auf dubiose Berichte über geheime Waffenfabriken, Menschenrechtsverletzungen des Diktators und sogar eine nicht wirklich nachgewiesene Verbindung zwischen Osama bin Laden und Saddam Hussein.
Welcher unsichtbare Mechanismus bewirkte diesen Wandel?
Tatsache ist: Just gegen Ende Mai 2002 trafen sich höchst-rangige Vertreter der globalen Arena, vorwiegend aus den Kreisen der Politik und Hochfinanz in einem abgelegenen und gut bewachten Nobelhotel - dem Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Denn hier fand damals das 50. Geheimtreffen der «Bilderberger»-Gruppe statt.
Bilderberger! Selbst nach mittlerweile über einem halben Jahrhundert wissen immer noch überraschend wenige Zeitgenossen von ihrer Existenz, darunter selbst so mancher politisch versierte Beobachter.
Erst Mitte der 70er-Jahre erfuhr die Öffentlichkeit erstmals offiziell von ihren Aktivitäten.
Grund: Keine Jahrestagung des dubiosen internationalen Machtzentrums, die nicht höchster Geheimhaltung unterliegen würde. Nie wird vorab bekannt gegeben, wo die nächste Konferenz stattfindet. Das ist umso verdächtiger, als jeweils weit über 100 Vertreter aus derallerobersten Schicht der internationalen Machtelite an den dreitägigen, konspirativen Treffen teilnehmen.
Um das Gesicht - zumindest offiziell - zu wahren, veröffentlichen die Bilderberger jeweils nur eine kurze offizielle Pressemitteilung inklusive beeindruckender Teilnehmerliste.
Allerdings erst nach ihrer Konferenz.
Zudem finden die Jahrestreffen aus Geheimhaltungsgründen immer in abgelegenen Hotels statt.
Journalisten bleibt der Zutritt strengstens verwehrt. Nur ein paar handverlesene Grossverleger dürfen teilnehmen - und auch sie nur unter der Prämisse, dass sie in ihren Publikationen dichthalten.
Warum diese massive Geheimniskrämerei, wenn es sich lediglich um «lockere, informelle Treffen» handelt, wie offiziell gerne abgewiegelt wird? Treffen, bei denen selbst namhafte Staatsoberhäupter «nur als Privatpersonen» teilnehmen?
________Brisante Indiskretionen________________
Einige wenige gut informierte Insider bringen jeweils schon im Voraus in Erfahrung, wann und wo das nächste Bilderberger-Treffen ansteht. Und der eine oder andere Konferenz-Teilnehmer lässt
ab und an anonym und heimlich Informationen nach aussen sickern.
Umso erstaunlicher, dass gerade auf diese Weise immer wieder ziemlich brisante Fakten über die Meetings ans Licht kommen.
So hatte man, wie sich später
«2002 ging es darum, wie man den Westen zum Angriff auf den Irak bewegen könnte.»
herausstellte, 2002 etwa den «Irak unter Saddam Hussein» als Schwerpunktthema auserkoren und mit der Frage verknüpft, «wie man den zögerlichen Westen überzeugen könne, eines der schwächsten Länder der Welt erneut anzugreifen».
Kurz nach dem Treffen im Westfields Marriott wandelte sich dann das Bild in der eingangs geschilderten Weise. Die Tage der geheimen Konferenz waren beendet und die nächsten Schritte besprochen. Bin Laden war erst einmal vom Tisch; ins Visier geriet mit allem Nachdruck Saddam Hussein - nicht zuletzt zur Kontrolle der Ölreserven im Mittleren Osten.
Besonders beunruhigend: Im Kreis der Bilderberger finden wir ausnahmslos bedeutende Politiker, hoffnungsvolle, linientreue Newcomer, Wirtschaftsbosse, Finanzhyänen, Medienzare und gekrönte Häupter. Wer aber stand hinter der Idee, eine solch geballte Ladung an Macht zusammenzubringen, und zu welchem Zweck sollte das überhaupt geschehen?
«Vater der Bilderberger» war ein Mann namens Joseph Hieronim Retinger. Dieser Mann zählt zu den wahrhaft unbekannten Grossen der Weltgeschichte.
Er blieb stets im Hintergrund.
Retinger galt jedoch im engeren Zirkel als «Eminence Grise», als «Graue Eminenz» der grossen Politik. Und er wurde zum Vermittler und Katalysator mächtiger folgenschwerer Prozesse, auch wenn er sein Leben lang eine mysteriöse, undurchschaubare Rolle spielte.
_________Besessen von der Einigung__________

Zur Welt kam Joseph Hieronim Retinger am 17. April 1888 in Krakau. Seine Familie stammte ursprünglich aus Deutschland, doch hatten sich die Vorfahren wohl im 17., spätestens 18. Jahrhundert in Polen angesiedelt.
Der hoch begabte Retinger studierte an verschiedenen Universitäten und war von der Idee besessen, eine europäische Einigung zu bewirken. Er wollte federführende Personen an einen Tisch setzen, um Missverständnisse zu klären und die Gesellschaft zu fördern. Seine Ideale waren hoch angesiedelt, seine Ziele klar gesteckt.

Auf dem Weg zum Bilderberg-Treffen 2005 geblitzt: David Rockefeller

Retinger schien nichts Bedrohliches zu
planen, sein Interesse galt ohnehin Zeit seines Lebens dem Menschen. Doch schien er bald dem Zauberlehrling gleich, der die mächtigen Geister rief - oder der vielmehr den Geist der Mächtigen beschwor.
Eines der wichtigsten Ereignisse zur Gründung der Bilderberger geht auf den November 1946 zurück. Damals, so notierte Retinger, «hatte ich eine sehr lange Unterredung mit Mr. Averell Harriman, dem amerikanischen Botschafter in London, der die gleiche Begeisterung wie meine europäischen Freunde zeigte... Averell Harriman war mein Sponsor».
______Mitglied bei «Skull & Bones»_____________
William Averell Harriman stammte aus einer superreichen amerikanischen Familie und hielt über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg seine Hände in Manipulationen grössten Stils,
sowohl hinsichtlich der Wirtschaft als auch der Politik.
Er hatte an der Yale-Universität in New Haven, Connecticut, studiert und war dort in die geheime Verbindung von Skull & Bones aufgenommen worden. Damit befand sich Harriman schon früh an einer wesentlichen Schaltstelle der US-Schattenregierang. Und Retinger geriet von da an wohl unbewusst in ein Machtgefüge, das die Kontrolle mit kalter Hand übernahm.
Anfang 1952 begann Retinger mit den ersten Vorbereitungen, eine wirklich einflussreiche Gruppe mit Partnern aus den USA und Europa zu realisieren.
Im abgelegenen Hotel de Bilderberg trafen schliesslich vom 29. bis zum 31. Mai 1954 rund achtzig Teilnehmer der von Retinger ins Leben gerufenen Konferenz zusammen, die unter weitgehender Geheimhaltung stattfinden sollte. Diese Versammlung wurde zum feierlichen Auftakt einer seither nicht mehr unterbrochenen Serie von hoch geheimen Treffen.
Auch wenn manche davon sprechen, dass die Gruppe sich als «The Synarchist Movement» bezeichnet, wurde der Name des Hotels von den Teilnehmern seit jenem ersten Treffen vereinnahmt. Seither ist fast ausschliesslich von der «Bilderberger-Gruppe» die Rede.
Die Konferenz bestand bereits damals zu einem Viertel
aus amerikanischen Führungskräften. Und in den ersten Jahren nahmen Persönlichkeiten wie Joseph H. Retinger und S. K. H. Prinz Bernhard der Niederlande wesentlichen Einfluss auf zahlreiche Entscheidungen.
Nicht von ungefähr führte Prinz Bernhard den Vorsitz und Retinger hielt das Amt des Ehren-Generalsekretärs für Europa inne. Doch konnten sie wohl auch nicht ahnen, wohin die Entwicklung der Gruppe führen sollte.
Schon zwei Jahre nach ihrer Gründung entstand das Steering Committee. Dieser Lenkungsausschuss setzte sich aus 39 Mitgliedern zusammen, von denen fünfzehn aus den Vereinigten Staaten kamen.
Diese Personen mussten sich allesamt besonders verdient um die Bilderberger gemacht haben, um in die Führungsriege aufgenommen zu werden. Interessant ist, dass jedes der amerikanischen Mitglieder des Steering Committee auch in den Mitgliedslisten des Council on Foreign Relations-CFR, zu finden ist - des Rates für Auswärtige Beziehungen, der als wesentliches Karriere-Sprungbrett und regelrechte Prägestätte für US-Politiker betrachtet werden kann.

Die personellen Verflechtungen dahinter sind ohnehin bald allgegenwärtig, auch was die Wurzeln des CFR betrifft - ein weiteres Kind des unendlich verzweigten Rockefeller-Imperiums. Dessen gegenwärtiger Chef, David Rockefeller, tritt auch als Repräsentant des Steering Committee auf.
1959 entwickelte sich zudem eine weitere Organisationsstufe: die Ad-visory Group als «innerer Zirkel».
Drahtzieher im Hintergrund

Immer wieder wird behauptet, die Bilderberger übten keinen direkten, aktiven Einfluss auf die Politik aus. Wahr ist das Gegenteil, denn die Bilderberger lösten immer wieder Kriege und Krisen aus. Auf dem Bilderberger-Meeting im schwedischen Saltsjöbaden von 1973 beschlossen die Mächtigen beispielsweise, eine Ölkrise zu generieren.
Ein gewaltsam ausgelöstes arabisches Ölembargo sollte die Rohölpreise drastisch steigen und damit auch den Dollarkurs zum Gefallen der mächtigen US-Konzerne in die Höhe schnellen lassen.
Ebenso wurden durch präzise Planung wiederholt Diktatoren ins Amt gehebelt und selbst bei verwerflichsten Aktionen unterstützt,
solange sie den Mächtigendienten.
Fielen sie aber in Ungnade, entledigte man sich ihrer schnell.
Viele Politiker begannen nach ihren ersten Einladungen zu den Bilderberger-Treffen eine steile Karriere - exponierte Beispiele sind Bill Clinton und Tony Blair. Selbst Angela Merkel nahm im Mai 2005 erstmals am Jahrestreffen teil - diesmal auf deutschem Boden in Rottach-Egern. Ein halbes Jahr später war sie neue Bundeskanzlerin.

Andere mussten unter Druck des «engen Zirkels» ihre Politik ändern oder ganz abtreten. Und wer sich in den eigenen Reihen gegen die Globalisierungsansprüche und gegen eine skrupellose Welt- und Wirtschaftspolitik stellte, lebte trotz aller Privilegien gefährlich.
Mysteriöse Details einiger nie aufgeklärter Morde im Umfeld von Bilderberg werfen beunruhigende Fragen auf - so auch im Fall des schwedischen Ministerpräsidenten und Bilderbergers Olof Palme oder des deutschen Grossbankiers und Bilderbergers Alfred Herrhausen...(RAF)

Kohl kam - und die Mauer fiel 1988 trafen sich die Bilderberger zudem zur «Neubesprechung der Deutschen Frage» in einem Nobelhotel im österreichischen Telfs-Buchen. Zum ersten und einzigen Mal nahm der damalige deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl an einer Bilderberger-Konferenz teil! Nur ein Jahr später fiel die Berliner Mauer. Zufall scheint in Anbetracht der vielen Beispiele eine schwache Erklärung.
Doch wie wollen die Bilderberger die Weichen für die Zukunft unserer Welt stellen? Wer um die Bestrebungen im Sinne der «Neuen Weltordnung» Bescheid weiss, wird bereits erahnen können, was uns bevorsteht. Auf den jüngsten Bilderberger-Konferenzen waren denn auch vor allem die erzkonservativen «US-Neocons» wieder deutlich spürbar vertreten.
Der Historiker, Aktivist und Autor Webster Griffin Tarpley vermutet, auf dem Meeting von 2005 sei durch die Neocons auch eine weitere Provokation des Islam beschlossen worden. Seiner Ansicht nach legt die Beweissituation deutlich nahe, dass die Veröffentlichung von Mohammed-Cartoons damals als provo-kativer Akt vorgeschlagen wurde. Das Feuer musste weiter brennen - und am besten kippte man noch etwas Öl hinzu.(KISSINGER_BENEDIKT XVI)
So diskutierte man nicht umsonst auch eine neuerliche Runde massiver Ölpreiserhöhungen. Vor allem kam zur Sprache, dass die Öl-Ressourcen von den grossen Konzernen überschätzt worden seien und man innerhalb der nächsten Jahrzehnte mit einer Erschöpfung der Quellen zu rechnen habe.
Erfahren sollte das erst einmal niemand.
2006 diskutierten die Bilderberger weitere Schritte zur Neuen Weltordnung. Einige Vertreter sprachen davon, die Weltbevölkerung müsse um 80 bis 90 Prozent reduziert werden(HAARP). Andere diskutierten weniger bedrohliche Szenarien der Globalisierung.
Das theoretische Ergebnis mag friedlich wirken: eine komplett vereinte Welt ohne nationalstaatliche Differenzen, ohne Kriege. Geführt von
«Go/ött(ern)vätern», die sich um alle Belange kümmern. Ideal einer pazifistischen Welt - und doch eine Utopie.
Wie sollte etwa eine Superreligion auf friedlichem Wege aus den bestehenden Glaubensrichtungen geschaffen werden? Die Welt wäre gleichgeschaltet, Menschen jeglicher Individualität und Identität beraubt(NEW_AGE). Doch bis es dazu käme, wäre sie wohl vernichtet.
Und was gäbe es da noch zu beherrschen?
Diese «Nebenwirkung» ihrer philosophischen Weltmedizin namens «Globalisierung» sollte eigentlich auch den weisen Bilderbergern bewusst sein. Über ihre wahren Motive lässt sich deshalb vorläufig nur spekulieren. Zurück bleibt das Unbehagen, dass eine kleine handverlesene Machtelite über unsere unmittelbare Zukunft entscheidet.
Nicht gerade ein erbauliches Szenario.

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Monday, 6. November 2006
Catholicism and Freemasonry

The Catholic Church has often been seen to be in conflict with Freemasonry, and Freemasonry has been seen as anti-clerical.
The Church has banned Catholics from joining the fraternity.
The most persistent critic of Freemasonry has been the Catholic Church. Since the early 1700's, the Vatican has issued several papal bulls, banning membership of Catholics from Freemasonry under threat of excommunication - a penalty that still applies for all Catholics active in Freemasonry.

The Church argues that Masonic philosophy discourages Christian dogmatism and that it is at many times and places anti-clerical in intent. The 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia argued that some of the ceremonial is anti-Catholic. However, this claim does not appear in subsequent editions.

The current position of the Catholic Church

The current position of the Catholic Church is stated in the 1983 document Quaesitum est which states: 'The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion...' This was written by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope John Paul II.

The documents from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith arose due to confusion in the 1970s and early 1980s. The 1983 Code of Canon Law, did not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. This was in contrast with the clear language in the 1917 Code of Canon Law which explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication. The change caused both Catholics and Masons to wonder whether the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons was still in place, especially after the perceived liberalisation of Vatican II. A number of Catholics became Freemasons, basing their membership on a permisive interpretation of this Canon Law and justifying their membership by their belief that Freemasonry does not plot against the Church.

Freemasonry's position

There has never been Masonic prohibition against Catholics joining the fraternity. Many Freemasons are
in religion positions or a member of a society.

Reasoning behind the Catholic position towards Freemasonry

Freemasonry is seen by the Catholic Church as being incompatible with Catholicism for a number of reasons.
Freemasonry's acceptance of people of any faith in a religious atmosphere is seen as minimizing the importance of Catholic religious dogma.
The Catholic Church contends that Freemasonry advocates a Deist view of God.
Some Masonic lodges advocate a radical separation of church and state and this is perceived to be true of all Freemasonry. Avowedly anti-clerical groups such as the carbonari in the Papal States are alleged to have followed a Masonic agenda as well as having based their organisation on Masonic forms.
Freemasonry has some characteristics of a secret society and its very secrecy created distrust.
It is alleged that Masonic initiation rituals for the Scottish Rite degrees (commonly thought of as being "higher" or "advanced" degrees,although this is strongly denied by the Scottish Rite are anti-Catholic).

Allegations of Deism

One of the persistent Catholic criticisms of Freemasonry is that it advocates a deist or naturalist view of Creation.

It is recognized that Masonry is not atheist (atheists are not permitted to join mainstream Masonic Lodges), but its references to the "Supreme Architect of the Universe" is seen by the Catholic hierarchy as contending that God created the Universe but did not intervene in the world after this.This was a common heresy that arose in the Enlightenment.

One piece of evidence in the Catholic Encyclopedia is said to attest to this deism is the prominent role of geometry in ritual of (non-dogmatic) Freemasonry. This is seen to betray a Naturalistic philosophy, (but could just be a definition of a philosophical science):
In this light, Geometry may very properly be considered as a natural logic; for as truth is ever consistent, invariable and uniform, all truths may be investigated in the same manner. Moral and religious definitions, axioms and propositions have as regular and certain dependence upon each other as any in physics or mathematics(999/666_the golden middle).

Catholic Prohibition on Secret Societies

The Catholic Church regards oath-bound secret societies as being detrimental to the faith and has banned its membership from joining such societies. They are believed to oblige a Catholic to lie in the confessional. Further, secret societies are seen as disruptive to the civil order by creating an atmosphere amenable to criminal conspiracy.

Oaths are also seen as binding people to blind obedience, contrary to the Roman Catholic view of man and facilitating the manipulation of well-intentioned "lower orders" by less benign "higher orders" (see below).

Allegations that Freemasonry is a new religion

Main article: Christianity and Freemasonry

The Catholic Church charges that Freemasonry shows many characteristics of a separate religion and so the Church forbids those who accept its authority from becoming Freemasons;in the same way that a non-Catholic church would be forbidden.

The United Grand Lodge of England claims that Freemasonry has a non-dogmatic nature and explicitly states that "Freemasonry is not a religion nor substitute for religion".

Other secret societies legislated against by the Church have been the Sons of Temperance, the Order of Odd-Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.Student fraternities are also discouraged.

Freemasony denies that it is a Secret Society, instead referring to itself as "Private"or "Group". This is a distinction that some non-Masons agree with. For example the German historian Dieter A. Binder tells us ;Lodges are closed societies, but not secret societies; and says that the historical correct description would be "Discrete Society;.Grand Lodges provide complete information about their Officers and activities.

Religious Indifferentism
Main article: Religious Indifferentism

The Catholic church claims that what it sees as Freemasonry's refusal to hold one faith as being superior to any others, while at the same time insisting on what the Church views as pseudo-religious rituals to inculcate an indifference to religion. Masonic behaviour is seen by the Church as a denial of the truth of Christian revelation and what the Catholic Church views as Christ's guarantee of orthodoxy to that Church.

Freemasonry categorically denies that it is a religion (and, in fact, had definitively stated that it is not a religion)but supports its members in their personal faith, while at the same time enjoying its rituals.

Anti-Catholicism and the Scottish Rite

It is alleged that anti-Catholicism becomes more pronounced in the appendant bodies, commonly called "higher" or "advanced" degrees, of Scottish Rite Masonry or Scientology. Catholic critics of Freemasonry, such as the Catholic Encyclopedia, claim that Freemasons in craft lodges, or "lower" degrees, are deceived as to the authority of the appendant bodies over craft lodges and the power that the appendant lodges have over them. A related allegation is that lower degree initiates could be manipulated into directions;particularly against either Catholicism or Christian belief;of which they are unaware.

The Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite have stated that the highest degree in Masonry is that of the Third degree of Master Mason,despite the fact that Scottish Rite uses a numbering system that labels its degrees in a higher sequence than Craft or Blue Lodge Freemasonry(Rotary/YMCA/LIONS). In addition regular Grand Lodges have specifically stated that they are sovereign and do not owe allegiance to any Scottish Rite Supreme Council.

The Knight Kadosh Degree

Particularly controversial is the Knight Kadosh or eighteen degree, This black magican Man written by the man with Satan(Morbon) and purported to be in use in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the United Nations/world. The 1918 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia alleged that the Papal tiara is trampled during the initiation.This allegation was not repeated in the 1967 New Catholic Encyclopedia, (which, while it discusses Scottish Rite in some depth, does not discuss the Knight Kadosh degree in particular) although it was repeated by Father William Saunders in the Arlington Catholic Herald in 1996.

Neither the Catholic Encyclopedia's nor Father Sauders' account agree with Pike's ritual in The Magnum Opus=Hermetic or Gnosis

of walls which includes neither trampling nor any mention of the papal tiara.

Pike's controversial book Morals and Dogma does mention hostility to the papal tiara by the historical Knights Templar when discussing the Kadosh degree
/the Iron Cross). However this is Pike's personal commentary on the degree and is not part of the degree itself.

An early Twentieth Century essay, authored by someone with the pen name of "Cato Perpatria", translated from the original Spanish by Edwin Sherman and published in a Masonic magazine, says that the Knight Kadosh initiation ritual commemorates a Papal betrayal of the forbidden Knights Templar while at the same time swearing enmity towards the Church. It is not known if "Cato Perpatria" was a member of the Scottish Rite, and his essay does not specify the symbolic actions of the ritual nor say if members of the Scottish Rite agreed with his sentiments.

Catholic Ban, Historically
Original Prohibition

The rise of the black internationale
In 1736 the Florentine Inquisition investigated a Masonic Lodge in Florence, Italy,and the Lodge was condemned in June 1737. The lodge had originally been founded by English Masons, but accepted Italian members.

In 1738, Pope Clement XII issued Eminenti Apostolatus Specula, the first Papal prohibition on Freemasonry.

Reiteration of ban on membership

The ban in Eminenti was reiterated by several later popes, notably Pope Leo XIII in the encyclical Humanum Genus (1884).

The 1917 Code of Canon Law explicitly declared that joining Freemasonry entailed automatic excommunication. The 1917 Code of Canon Law also forbid books friendly to Freemasonry.

Post Vatican II

After Vatican II, the Church seemed to ease it's stance towards Masonry. In 1974 Cardinal Seper, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed a a document that stated, in part, that "The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ... has ruled that Canon 2335 no longer automatically bars a Catholic from membership of masonic groups ... And so, a Catholic who joins the freemasons is excommunicated only if the policies and actions of the freemasons in his area are known to be hostile to the Church ...". This advice led some Catholics to believe that the prohibition was no longer in force and that the Church no longer had many of its traditional objections to Freemasonry.

In 1983, the Church issued a new Code of Canon Law. Unlike its predecessor, Canon 1374, does not explicitly name Masonic orders among the secret societies it condemns. Canon 1374 states in part:

A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict.

This omission caused some Catholics and Freemasons to believe that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted, especially after the perceived liberalisation of Vatican II and caused confusion in the Church hierarchy(since1978). Many Catholics joined the fraternity, basing their membership on a permisive interpretation of Canon Law and justifying their membership by their belief that Freemasonry does not plot against the Church. It is claimed that Catholic Freemasons in America ignore the 1983 clarification from the Vatican, looking to the 1974(Thelema after Aleister Crowley with Michael Eschner_black side of the dragon order) pronouncement.

Ratzinger's Reply

However, in the 1981 letter, Clarification concerning status of Catholics becoming Freemasons to the United States Bishops from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith authored by the then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), the matter was clarified, and the prohibition against Catholics joining Masonic orders remains.

This was followed by the 1983 document Quaesitum est. To quote: "The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion...", which is the authoritative interpretation of Rome's position on this subject.

The official Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano (Jesuits Newspaper)went further, claiming that Freemasonry acted as a rival to Catholicism because of the competing symbolic forms and the designation of Catholic non-Masons as outsiders.

German Bishops Conference

1980 German bishops conference produced a report on Freemasonry listing twelve points and allegations.

Among the allegations were that Freemasonry denies revelationand objective truth.They also alleged that religious indifference is fundamental to Freemasonry and that Freemasonry is Deist and that it denies the possibility of divine revelation so threatening the respect due to the Church's teaching office.

The sacramental character of Masonic rituals was seen as signifying an individual transformation,offering an alternative path to perfection and having a a total claim on the life of a member.

It concludes by stating that all lodges are forbidden to Catholics, including Catholic-friendly lodges and that German Protestant churches were also suspicious of Freemasonry but not the Catholic Freemasonry by the "OPUS DEI".

Report of the American Bishops Conference
Main article: Letter to U.S. Bishops Concerning Masonry

In the 1980s, the Bishops' Committee on Pastoral Research and Practices concluded that "the principles and basic rituals of Masonry embody a naturalistic religion, active participation in which is incompatible with Christian faith and practice." This report, together with two others, was sent in a public letter by Cardinal Bernard Law.

Although at least one American bishop has said that Freemasonry is less anti-clerical in the United States than it is among the "Latin" lodges, the view that the Catholic Church was looking at Freemasonry from the perspective of France and Italy was dismissed by the report of the American Bishops.

The Anslow Affair

On 15 September 2000 Rev. Thomas Anslow, Judicial Vicar of the Los Angeles Arch-Diocese wrote a letter to David Patterson, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Service Bureau of Los Angeles. In reply to the question "whether a practicing Catholic may join a Masonic Lodge" he said that "at least for Catholics in the United States, I believe the answer is probably yes". This letter was later publicly retracted with the explanation that the analysis was faulty. He said that Freemasonry fostered a "supraconfessional humanitarian" conception of God replacing faith and revelation.

Catholic Fraternal Societies

Freemasonry was an important catalyst in the founding of the Knights of Columbus. One of the attractions of Freemasonry is that it provided a number of social services, and there was concern that this could be an attraction to Catholics.Father Michael J. McGivney, a Catholic priest in New Haven, Connecticut wished to provide Catholic men an alternative to Freemasonry. He believed that Catholicism and fraternalism were not incompatible and wished to found a society that would encourage men to be proud of their American-Catholic heritage.
But sometimes are so suspeted.
Freemasonry and The Inquisiton

In May 1739, Tommaso Crudeli, a physician and freethinker, was taken into custody and questioned under torture about his heretical beliefs and Masonic affiliation. He was released in April 1741 and died in January 1745 from what is believed to be the result of the torture and incarceration he suffered at the hands of church authorities.

Another case involved John Coustos, a Protestant Swiss living in England. He founded a Masonic Lodge in Lisbon and was arrested by the Portuguese Inquisition while travelling on business. After being questioned, he was sentenced to the galley.Three other Portuguese Masons were put to death.Coustos was released in 1744 as a result of the intercession of George II of England, and after his return to England, Coustos wrote a book detailing his experiences in the hands of the Inquisition.

In 1815, Francisco Xavier de Mier y Campillo, the Inquisitor General of Spanish Inquisition and Bishop of Almería, suppressed Freemasonry and denounced the lodges as societies which lead to sedition, to independence, and to all errors and crimes. He then instituted a purge during which Spaniards could be arrested on the charge of being and suspected of Freemasonry;.

Sources of Catholic antagonism

The Catholic Church's antagonism towards Freemasonry has historical roots.

Separation of Church and State

Freemasons are seen by the church as prominent advocates of the separation(=Serpents) of church and state, a charge many Freemasons will willingly admit. Such separation of church and state was seen by the Church as a veiled attack on its place in public life., manifesting a Religious Indifferentism, which did not accept any religion as true or revealed.Freemasonry was accused of promoting state supported secular education in opposition to Church education in both Italy and the United States. In Italy Freemasonry has been accused of promoting civil marriage and supporting cremation Freemasonry was also accused of being the motivating force behind the forefeiture of Italian church property and ending Papal temporal authority in the Papal States,

"The Vatican criticised Freemasonry in this area in 2004".

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