A Cover by Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani

Then, on May 21st, without notice or explanation, Deprogramming 101, along with other archived articles by Lisa Guliani (The American Media Violates Its Own Code of Ethics and Apostles of the War Machine) were ABRUPTLY PULLED from the Prison Planet website. Since that time, Lisa has repeatedly e-mailed Paul Watson to find out why this material has been removed, especially since he had so favorably received her previous political articles. She has yet to receive a response. To make matters worse, Prison Planet columnist Randy Lavello wrote a piece which had, in its original form, a direct link to Lisa Guliani’s article entitled Destruction of Dissent. But when it ran on Prison Planet, Alex Jones removed an entire sentence referencing this article - along with a link to it – another result of DIRECT CENSORSHIP, and again without explanation!
From our perspective, Alex Jones and Prison Planet are acting in not only a hypocritical way, but also in one that should alarm every person reading these words. Why? Because Alex Jones has become quite renowned via his books, videos, and radio show for denouncing the Patriot and Homeland Security Acts for infringing on our First Amendment rights of free speech and freedom of the press. Yet he is now suppressing vital information in a much more heavy-handed way than the current administration ever has. As we said: GEORGE BUSH HAS NEVER REMOVED OUR MATERIAL FROM THE INTERNET; ALEX JONES HAS!
The big question at this point is: why did Alex Jones, with whom the ultimate responsibility lies, make this decision? As we said earlier, no one at Prison Planet has answered Lisa’s queries, but we have heard on good authority that Mr. Jones did not approve of the content that appeared in our former publication, Babel Magazine. And why is that? Quite simply, because we ran a smattering of ‘adult-oriented’ material which was (without any candy-coating) quite risqué in nature.
But here’s the rub: our article – Deprogramming 101 – did not even remotely contain any offensive material; nor does any of our other anti-New World Order writing. It was strictly political in nature (and right on the mark, if we do say so ourselves). Yet the powers-that-be at Prison Planet found it necessary to suppress this information. But all we’re doing is precisely what Alex Jones and every other person who believes in the Constitution says we should be allowed to do – exercise our First Amendment right to free speech and freedom of expression.
At this point we would like to ask one very important question: is Alex Jones becoming an embodiment of that which he is supposedly fighting against? In our eyes, the only way we can save this country is by making as many people as possible aware of the New World Order cabal’s nefarious motives. This requires a vast dissemination of information to people in all walks of life. Yet Alex Jones, who is in a prime position to do just that, refuses to let people see the above-mentioned material. This stance is confirmed in an article by Louis Black that appeared in The Austin Chronicle on July 14, 2000 where he wrote: “Jones’ respect and support for freedom of speech ends with those voices with which he personally agrees.” We shudder at the ramifications of such hypocrisy!
In the end, what differentiates Alex Jones from the Controllers that he opposes (at least superficially)? Our local newspaper does not want its readers to become aware of Victor Thorn’s explosive expose, The New World Order Exposed (which is now in its twelfth printing and is one of the hottest alternative-political books in the country), so they refused to review it. But at least they published an announcement/blurb when it was released. Alex Jones and Prison Planet, on the other hand, engaged in a none-too-subtle form of suppression by deliberately deleting an entire sentence and link to Lisa Guliani’s article. Which one is worse? Likewise, although George Bush’s Justice Department is passing horrifyingly unconstitutional legislation, they have yet to censor one word we have ever published. Alex Jones and Prison Planet have now done so on more than one occasion. Which one is worse? Finally, similar to a stonewalling Congressman that acts in an Orwellian fashion, yet fails to offer any explanation, Alex Jones and Paul Watson at Prison Planet have similarly failed to answer any of Lisa Guliani’s repeated e-mails. Again, which one is worse?
When all is said and done, we’re beginning to wonder if Alex Jones has become what he supposedly most despises – an iron-fisted Big Brother-type demagogue who feels that the only information the public should be made aware of is what HE thinks they should be made aware of. We certainly hope that this is not the case, and that in the future Mr. Jones chooses to not only answer these questions, but to also make vital information available to his readers and listeners rather than suppressing and censoring it.
NOTE: This article was originally published in June, 2003
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Alex Jones Honorary Member RSICC
- Alex Jones, Honorary Founding Member of RSICC/Alex Jones, Gründung Ehrenmitglied von RSICC
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Scientology-endorsed psychologist who warns about the dangers of Ritalin and other dangerous drugs that are being forced on children today, and offers alternatives. The alternatives spring forth from Scientology and are spiritually dangerous.
Dr. Breeding is definitely affiliated with Scientology, which has enormous influence in the New World Order network. Breeding quotes Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in his book, The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses and his website links to the Scientology front group, Citizens' Commission on Human Rights. Indeed, Dr. Breeding calls this powerful force for Scientology "an awesome organization." (Quote source: Stars Shine For Human Rights Freedom Magazine) (1) They in turn sell his books and have given him at least one prestigious award. Scientology's Freedom Magazine website (2) features an article written by Dr. John Breeding.
According to an article on the Houston Psychiatric Society website, (3) Dr. Breeding's organization, Texans for For Safe Education is a Scientology front group. This assertion fits right in with the fact that Scientology's Citizens' Commission on Human Rights awarded Dr. Breeding for his work with the Texas State Board of Education:
Dr. Breeding was recognized for his work with the Texas State Board of Education, and the subsequent passage of their resolution recommending that schools use non-drug solutions for problems of attention and learning.(4)
Dr. John Breeding's wildestcolts.com website is listed in the Scientology Resource Library on the Scientology liveandgrow.org website.
Rune of Death in Background of Dr. Breeding's Picture
The Teutonic rune of death can be seen in the background of Dr. Breeding's photograph!
Known as the 'peace sign' throughout the 1960's and into the present day, this symbol is the Teutonic rune of death.
Throughout the last 2,000 years, this symbol has designated hatred of Christians. Nero, who despised Christians, crucified the Apostle Peter on a cross head downward. This hideous event resembled the Teutonic cross and became the popular pagan insignia of the day. Thereafter, this sign became known as the 'Necronic cross.'
(Quote source: Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated by Dr. Cathy Burns pgs. 234-35)
Why would Alex Jones, who claims to be against the death goals of the NWO, promote a man who is proudly displaying a symbol of death on his wall?
Ablechild.org Promoted on The Alex Jones Show
Note: A reader informed me that Alex Jones has recently interviewed a representative from ablechild.org, which is a Scientology-affiliated organization. (This interview was scheduled for October 14, 2004.) An article from ablechild.org (5) has been posted on the infowars.com website.
Ablechild.org stated on their website that they work with the Citizens Commission on Human rights! On February 26, 2005, Ablechild.org attended the awards ceremony of this Scientology front group:
Ablechild was in attendance at the Citizens Commission on Human Rights Awards Ceremony in Beverly Hill California. It has been and will always be a pleasure to work with CCHR. (6)
Also see photos (7) of Sheila Matthews, National Vice President of Ablechild.org, posing with CCHR members.
Scientology: Leader in the NWO Network
Alex Jones, who appears to be fighting the New World Order and claims to be a Christian, is sending the message that it is acceptable to yoke with Scientology for a "good reason." This is ill-advised because Scientology is the leading workforce in the New World Order network and is provably run on Satanic principles. Scientology is actually set up as a microcosm (miniature model) of the New World Order with the elite at the top level and the slaves at the bottom. This organization— which achieves their goals through the doctrine of "fair game"— demonstrates their commitment to a New World Order slave state by abusing their own "downstat" members and by seeking to delete from society those who fall below a 2.0 on their tone scale.
The goal of Scientology is world domination. There is no reason good enough for Alex Jones or any person opposed to the New World Order to (even indirectly) promote Scientology.
Alex Jones Continues to Promote Breeding
The Church of Scientology of Texas is located in Austin Texas, which is also the home of radio broadcaster Alex Jones and Dr. John Breeding. It is impossible for Alex Jones to be unaware of the fact that Austin Texas is a Scientology stronghold.
Alex Jones has not advised his listeners that Scientology is a player in the New World Order network and has failed to warn his listeners that this NWO organization takes up causes that the public identifies with—such as the fight against the outrageous abuses of the psychiatric profession—in order to recruit members. [update: Alex not only fails to warn about Scientology's recruiting methods, he is using his Prisonplanet.com website in order to help them do it. Prisonplanet.com Plugs Tom Cruise]
Alex Jones is continuing to use his position to advance Dr. John Breeding's influence by hosting him on his radio broadcast and selling Breeding's books. Alex does this without bothering to disclaim Breeding's Scientology associations. The most recent Alex Jones/Dr. John Breeding interview that I am aware of was conducted on Monday, May 23, 2005. (8)
While we agree that it is needful to expose and oppose the psychiatric practices of labeling and forcibly drugging schoolchildren, we have noticed that Alex Jones does not voice any disapproval of Dr. Breedings' admiration for the Scientology organization, Citizens' Commission on Human Rights, (9) (he accepted an award from them!) or warn his listeners that his Texans For Safe Education organization is probably affiliated with Scientology.
Dr. Breeding commended the Scientology group, "The Texas Citizens Commission on Human Rights" on his Texans For Safe Education website:
The Texas Citizens Commission on Human Rights has been especially active and effective in the legislature, and has established many good relationships there. (10)
(Quote source: Texans For Safe Education)
Alex Jones' failure to disclaim Breeding's Scientology affiliation is disturbing because Scientology is the workhorse of the New World Order network.
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
Satan does not care how much you know about the New World Order as long as he can gain your soul. Beware of Scientology, Psychiatry, and Psychology as well as all forms of the New Age movement, which is the religious arm of the New World Order.
Does Alex Jones Have to Promote Scientology-affiliated individuals on his Prisonplanet.com website in order to Expose President Bush's Plan To Psychologically Test Every Child? (11) NO.
It is outrageous that Alex Jones is promoting Dr. John Breeding, a Scientology-affiliated psychologist and profiting from this serious compromise. Alex's infowars.com and prisonplanet.com websites are viewed by people who expect to be FULLY warned about the globalist agenda and deserve to be informed about this spiritually dangerous New World Order "church" that is committed to mind control. Alex Jones will not speak out against Scientology and reveal that they are major players in the NWO network. WHY? And why is Alex Jones hosting archived footage of Tom Cruise recruiting for Scientology on his prisonplanet.com website?
(1) http://www.freedominla.org/issue07/page02.htm
(2) http://www.freedommag.org/english/vol36i1/page12.htm
(3) http://www.houstonpsychiatry.org/houstonpsychiatry/1049947268/index_html
(4) http://www.freedominla.org/issue07/page02.htm
(5) http://www.infowars.com/print/bravenewworld/ablechild_eugenics.htm
(6) http://www.ablechild.org/events%20and%20photos/cchr%2036th%20annual%20awards.html
(7) http://www.ablechild.org/events and photos/ct cchr exhibit 1-16-04.htm
(8) http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/new_freedom_mental_health_screening_amendment_opposed.htm
(9) http://xenu.net/archive/infopack/12.htm
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